
Fructose 55

High Fructose corn syrup 55 is a sweetener used mainly in the production of carbonated drinks and other beverages.

Although soft drinks are the primary function of HFCS 55, it can also be added to several products to give the sweetness required as a substitute for sugar offering different functions and applications.

300kg Drums or 500kg - 35000kg Bulk Tanks
Fructose 55%
Analytical Data SPECIF.
Dry su bstancc (w/w%) 76.5- 77.5%
Brix (20C) 74.9- 75.8
Refractive index (20C) 1.4 774 -1.4799
Density a t 20 C ( kg /L) 1.3827 : 1.3~97
Colour ( R.B.U.) Max. 25
Viscosity 130C ( mPa.s) 700
Analytical Data SPECIF.
Ash content % Max. 0.05%
So2 ( ppm) Max 3 ppm
pH 3.5 - 4.5
DE 95 - 98
Titratable Acidity N.M.T. 4 ml
CHLORIDE Max. 50 ppm
protein Max. 0.002%
Analytical Data SPECIF.
ARSENIC Max. 0.1 ppm
CUP PER Max. 2ppm
LEAD Max. 0.5 ppm
Analytical Data SPECIF.
Fructose 55- 58%
Fructose + Dextrose Min. 95%
Higher Suger Max. 5%
Analytical Data SPECIF.
Yeast N.M.T 10 / lOml
Mould N.M.T 10 llOml
Mesophilic bacteria N.M.T. 200 /1 Oml